Thursday, January 7, 2010


In all the excitement of the Open Theatre, I forgot to post this!

The theatre is changing our approach to kids & theatre a little by trying to open up the experience to just about anyone who thinks that being in a show or coming to a show would be fun! So we've got a new name for all the theatre things we're doing this year - THE YOUTH THEATRE EXPERIENCE - with different activities happening with that whole experience sphere.

First up in March, will be a presentation of the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon for which we are holding auditions on Saturday, January 16th.

These aren't going to be traditional auditions - no resumes, no headshots, no prepared monologues, 'cause I'm not looking to create great theatre. I'm looking to create a great experience. I hope the kids who come out will learn a lot, have even more fun than that, and in the end will provide our audiences... their audiences... with a wonderful, live theatre performance.

So, if you're a kid between the ages of 10 and 16, and you think that spending the next ten Saturday mornings with friends old & new, having fun, doing some really interesting work, and learning new skills sounds like something you might be interested in... then come see us SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th @ THE STIRLING FESTIVAL THEATRE, 41 WEST FRONT STREET, STIRLING, any time between 10am and 2pm. If for any reason you cannot come that one day, call the theatre at 613.395.2100 and we'll see if we can see you sometime next week.

There is a catch, and it is an important one: We will be presenting this show ever day through March break week; 4 matinees, 1 evening show. If you know now that you cannot do that, then we're not going to be able to put you in the show.

And for all you professionals out there who got excited at the word AUDITIONS... this is strictly community and kids theatre. Professionals are welcome to volunteer their time to coach and teach.

Thanks for supporting SFT.

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