Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Open Theatre Success!!

Well, wasn't that a night!

And an afternoon, actually, as well.

The Stirling Festival Theatre First Annual Open Theatre went off extremely well, both afternoon and evening sessions. I have to say that when we chose the times, from 2-4 and 7-9, it felt a little like we were planning a wake! But of course, this was just the opposite. We were celebrating a New Year, a new beginning, for the theatre.

We invited pretty much the entire world to come to the theatre for a chance to tour backstage, learn more about the upcoming year, meet the "new" kids (that would be me & our TD, Dave Vanderlip) and say thanks to the "old" kids (that would be Joanne, Fay, Kim, Charlotte, Bev, Donna and all our many, wonderful volunteers, including a great board), and of course learn about our exciting new season.

Luisa Appolloni, who will be directing THE LAST RESORT, was here, and charmed everyone as only she can do. Unfortunately, other committments & iffy weather kept our other two directors, Ken MacDougall (HANSEL & GRETEL and our murder mystery dinner theatres) and Andrew Lamb (DRIVING MISS DAISY) from joining us, but both sent their regrets & regards, and look forward to meeting people this summer.

The last few months of 2009 were not the happiest of times for the SFT family in many ways. Transition and change are never easy, and when there is a true clash of opinion and belief attached, it makes the idea of change even more difficult. But change does happen, and it can be all for the good.

I'm looking forward to a lot of good stuff coming up in 2010... and well beyond as I'm already putting plans in place for our 15th anniversary coming up in 2011!

Coming up first... dastardly & delicious murder & mayhem Feb 12, 13, 14 and then in March, our Youth Theatre Experience kicks off with some fractured, and funny, fairy tales running in March break week. Call the box office for more details & tickets!!

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